Today, my starting place is a startling place.
To lay some context, there are some things you need to know.
- I have been battling health/weight issues since I was in college.
- I have yo-yo'd for almost 20 years.
- I was never overweight as a child.
- For the past 5 years, no matter what I have weighed during the year, I have always weighed in at the same weight (+ or - 2 lbs) on New Years Day.
- My mother is overweight and has tremendous health issues related to adult onset diabetes (which have included over the years loss of eyesight, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer).
- My father is healthy and has lived a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular exercise.
- I have been married for going on 13 years and have 4 kids (7,9,11,15)
- I work in full time ministry and am plugging away at a master's degree in children and family ministry.
Here are my current stats:
Age: 37 years
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 260 lbs...YIKES!
So here are my hopes with this blog. I want to live a healthier life. I want to be on this earth for a long time...long enough to fully enjoy my children grow up and have children of their own. I want to live a long life with my wonderful husband. I want to grow old with him and have an active life in retirement with him. I want to have the energy to do ministry well. I work with preteens and I know for a fact that I am at my best when I am feeling healthy. For me, this is less about appearances and more about quality of life. I want to learn to treat my body and soul like the temple that God calls it to be. is my starting place. A blog. A place to journal my thoughts, track my journey, and be held accountable for my choices. I will share what I am learning, post pictures and resources I find helpful along the way. Mostly, it is my hope this this will be a place of encouragement for others who are seeking better health.
So come on, walk with me, won't you?